Monday, December 21, 2015

Cherubimon Vice & Beelzebumon Blast Mode Teased in English Cyber Sleuth Trailer

December 21st, 2015. Bandai Namco Entertainment America uploaded their first English gameplay trailer for Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth today, illustrating the basic gameplay mechanics of the Story series for western audiences. Players gather scan data on Digimon by encountering them in the wild, then Digiconvert it to create their own copy of that Digimon. The end of the trailer promotes the game's upcoming original DLC, available for players that preorder the physical game or purchase a digital copy in the first month. Exclusive to the international versions of the game, players will able to download Beelzebumon Blast Mode and Cherubimon Vice, whose stats were leaked in a previous livestream. The trailer shows the two of them using their unique Special Skills, Chaos Flare (appearing under its dub name, Corona Destroyer) and Lightning Spear.

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth will launch on the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4 in North America on February 2nd, 2016, and in Europe on February 5th, 2016.


  1. 0:19 man they seriously fakkap that Gaioumon attack wtf....will of wisp? isnt that attack name should be rinkazan??

    1. no it's actually a literal translation of the meaning of Rinkazan

    2. Phosphorus Fire Slash << i get it from wikimon kinda different..
      Cross Slicer<< this from digimon wikia.... and i don't see any where that will o wisp BS in digimon wiki...

    3. Will 'o wisps and phosphorous fire are the same thing:

    4. i see but is it bad like kerpymon blk name? compare to this "new" attack name? man i guess they gonna add "other" name in digimon wikia..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Does anyone have any site recommendations where I can pre-order this without them charging me right away?

    1. dont know man.. for me im just wait digital version for vita....btw try look at this fb page if you had fb

      they give a list of retailer.. i hope you found your retail place..
