Mission Statement

Tamer Union is dedicated to cultivating a strong centralized news source for all things Digimon, one that will close the gap between the western fandom and overseas news by reporting reliably, honestly, and quickly. We translate Japanese magazine articles, press releases, products information, and fan pages to keep the community aware and informed of international stories. Our subordinate goal is to promote organized events and gatherings, particularly tournament play for modern Digimon games like Cyber Sleuth and Digimon electronics. We are committed to the restoration of the D-1 Grand Prix.

Our lead editor Touya has a wealth of experience to draw on, having helped support and organize tournament play for Cardfight!! Vanguard and contribute to the TCG's growth in the west. Tamer Union is supported by a combination of direct advertising revenue earned from paid ads, AdSense programs, affiliate links with e-commerce sites, and reader donations. The aforementioned affiliate links take the form of hyperlinks which redirect the reader to product listings on either eBay or Amazon. If a reader clicks on one of these links and/or purchases the listed product, the associated shopping service pays a small referral and/or commission fee to our editor as compensation for advertising it. The service being linked to will always be identified on the page it is linked to.

If you are interested in advertising with us directly, you can contact Tamer Union at the given e-mail address.

1 comment:

  1. How is the restoration of the D-1 Grand Prix going? seems really interesting
