January 18th, 2016. Digimon World Tour announced today that Digimon Celebration T-shirts are now available until February 3rd over Redbubble. The shirts will not be available at the Celebration itself, and will not be sold again in the future. Fans can use the promo code GEEKOUT to get 15% off on the shirts today. The shirts can be purchased online at this link.
The full tournament lineup and rules for the Celebration were just announced this weekend, with the World Tour organization confirming that Rumble Arena, Rumble Arena 2, and All-Star Rumble will all have sanctioned tournament play with prize payout. Fans are also encouraged to bring their Digivices and Digimon virtual pets, though any competitions for those will have to be organized on-site. Other Digimon games will be available for free play at the event, including Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, and there will also be a cosplay and fanart contest.
Digimon Celebration will take place at the Victory Pointe gaming lounge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on February 6th, 2016. Tamer Union will be traveling to provide on-site coverage of the event. The event is being organized through Facebook, and currently 62 persons have committed to going. 145 others are
"interested," and 345 invited. In addition to the gaming and cosplay
events that day, the Celebration will feature artist duo Ramen Bento as a
vendor, selling Digimon plush toys, stickers, and magnets.
I would really love to have one of the shirt and will be proud to wear one of them. It is a good news to hear about the digimon world tour and It would be good having a roundup of it.