Thursday, February 11, 2016

First 6 Minutes of Digimon Adventure tri. "Decision" Shown in Livestream

February 11th, 2016. In today's Tokuban Adventure livestream over NicoNico Douga, the voices of Tachikawa Mimi and Kido Jou, Yoshida Hitomi and Ikeda Junya, presented audiences with information about several upcoming products, including the 15th anniversary D-3 Digivice Paildramon Color and Blu-Ray releases of Digimon Adventure tri.'s second chapter, Ketsui. ("Decision" or "Determination) The pair showed off a new trailer for Ketsui, as well as the first six minutes of the film. (Something similar had been done for the first chapter, Reunion.) This six minute preview is presented above.

The new trailer featured Jou's Gomamon evolving to Vikemon, and at the end a brief clip from the third chapter Kokuhaku ("Confession") was shown, in which Takeru screamed "Patamon!" This second trailer will likely be officially uploaded by Toei within 24 hours.

Gameplay clips from Digimon World -next 0rder- were also shown, along with a new trailer for the 2016 smartphone game Digimon Linkz. The Maicoomon gameplay can be seen here, while Linkz trailer is being processed and will be uploaded shortly.


  1. OMG can't wait to see Leomon die again

  2. beside of that, man, that CG looks annoying as heck. Idk why TROLLEI can't make a good animation quality, attack moves are also cheap by the looks. This is a seasonal 1 OVA with 1.5 hours long each, why they can't focus on quality? Even Xros Wars actually does better than this.

    Sorry to say, but these OVA is getting to look like cheap 12 episodes seasonal anime to me
